Friday, October 17, 2008

Fossil Fuels and Energy (oil, natural gas, coal)

Please post your notes on fossil fuels and energy here (use the comment feature).


Erika Cruz said...

Energy consumtion:
-The U.S. consumes a lot of energy.
-China and India will consume more energy than it is actually going to produce in the future.
-By the year 2030, it is predicted that we are going to use more energy than now.

Daniel Gutierrez said...

U.S. sources for energy forms: electrical natural gas and coal
Alaska has been spotted another geographical location in which currently it is a prohibited drilling area due to animal livings but its in a process of running through congress
*Coal being the number one fossil fuse for U.S. energy(U.S. is the second hugest producer of coal form and energy)
Down side to coal: it produces CO2 emissions (carbon dioxide)

*Clean coal reduce CO2 emissions
*Carbon Sequestering is stored underground

amytran said...

Energy Consumption Over Time

From 1995 to 2005, the amount of energy consuming for the US has doubled. In 1980, the world has consumed 283 quadrillion Btu and predictions say that in 2030, it will go up to 722 quadrillion Btu.
It's not just us, China is consuming more energy than they can produce.

RoseNguyen said...

China and India produce forty percent of the world's energy. The United States is the number one consumer and also the second largest producer. Clean coal technology will drastically decrease the Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere. Another way to decrease Carbon Dioxide is by Carbon sequestering, which is the process underground that reduces Carbon Dioxide emissions.

LuisNetro said...

Fossil fuels and energy (oil, natural gas, coal): energy sources—amount of reserves, annual usage, time it will last.

The United States mostly consumes electricity, natural gas, and coal being the most consumed. The greatest amount of oil consumed in the United States is obtained from Prudhoe Bay which is located in Alaska. It is one of the five oil fields, and it makes up 16 percent of the United States’ oil production.

Martin Puente said...

Fossil fuels and energy {oil,natural gas,coal}.Green gas emmisions. Factories burn coal,and when coal is burned, carbon dioxide is produced, and that when the earth is affected. We need to fing ways to burn less coal to not affect our earth much.

valentina perez said...

Fossil Fuels and Energy (oil,natural gas,coal)-Energy Sources

in alaska there are large amounts of oil.Since 1995 the u.s amount of energy has double.

AGarcia91 said...

"Clean coal" and carbon sequestering
-clean coal is a method to where you clean coal
-carbon sequestering is the process of storing clean coal

Stephanie Canchola said...

Fossil fuels and energy
-The U.s. is the one country that consumes a lot of energy
-Back in 1980, the world consumed 283 quadrillion Btu's, and predictions say that by the year 2030 the world will be consuming 722 quadrilion Btu's.

cano.antuan said...

Clean Coal and Carbon sequestering
_ U.S top consumer of coal and one of the top producers.
-Problem is that coal emissions add to climate change.
-Clean Coal is when we chemically wash impurities from the coal.
-Carbon Sequestering is when Instead of letting the CO2 into the atmosphere we pump it underground.

trinhle92 said...

Fossil fuels and energy
Energy consumption over time

The top ten highest energy consuming countries are US, China, Russia, Japan, Germany, India, Canada, France, UK, and Brazil.

victoria_herrera said...

-Alaska makes up 16% of the Unites States oil production
-the Prudhoe Bay is the largest oil field in North America
-60% of US oil is pipeline
-They must be cautions of the oil because of the wild life
-carbon sequestering is storing clean coal
- the US rank in the top 10 of highest energy consumers

leslie.bonilla said...

China and India top countries that had the most populations. Prudhoe Bay is the largest oil field in North America. Its one of the five oil fields that make up 16%of the united states oil production. A method to reduce CO2 is coal washing, and carbon squestering process to store CO2.

Daisy Razo said...

Energy Consuption Over Time

-China and India will consume more energy than its going to produce
-The U.S. consumes most energy
-Its predicted that in 2030 we are going to use more energy than we are using now.

Valeriano Rios said...

>natural gases
>Alaska where we get oil

Anonymous said...

Energy sources-
*drilling in alaska
*wild life
*prudohe bay oil reserve 60%
*natural gas

An Dang said...

We consume more energy than we produce. Top 10 highest energy consuming countries: U.S., China, India, Russia, etc. Prediction by the future we will consume more energy that we are now. Prudhoe Bay, Alaska is the largest oil field in North America.

Carlos Estrada said...

Fossil Fuels:
- Electricity and Natural Gas Consumption
- Coal/oil usage has increased
-Prudhoe Bay: Largest oil drill in U.S.
- Drilling restricted due to animal life in the surroundings.

cristalechandy said...

Energy sorces -Amount of reserves, annual usage, time it will last.

**largest reserve we have is Prudhoe Bay in Alaska it makes up 16% of our oil.
**we consume much by electric gas, and coal.
**the U.S is one of the top tens consumers of energy.

cristalechandy said...

Energy sorces -Amount of reserves, annual usage, time it will last.

**largest reserve we have is Prudhoe Bay in Alaska it makes up 16% of our oil.
**we consume much by electric gas, and coal.
**the U.S is one of the top tens consumers of energy.

minerva said...

Top Ten highest consuming countries 2002
1.United Sates- although not highest population;highest consmer of energy by over thirty guadrillion BTU's
8.United Kingdom
10.South Korea

Winnie-Grace Growe said...

Oil Drill. n Prud. Bay- Prud. Bay n AK, lrgst. oil field n Nor. Amer., 1 of 5 OFs that make 16% of U.S. oil prod.

Gustavo Navarrete said...

Highest energy consumption in the US
-Electricity and natural gas have increased over the years.
-Prudhoe Bay= 16% of the US oil production.
-Coal is number one fossil fuel used in the US and the second in production.

mary said...

Energy Sources

*U.S uses coal and oil as two major natural resources
*Prudhoe bay is largest oil production

giselle said...

Energy comsumptions
- top 10 highest energy
- US tops every country
Oil drilling
- Prudoe Bay is the largest field in North America.
Coil- number 1 fossil fuel used in the world.

Jasmine Laws said...

energy consumption
1995-2025double anoraity
u.s.- 1st in energy consumption
rise in energy consumption 9u.s. and china)
energy consumption will double

gutierrez.c said...

Energy Consumption
- One of the top 3 countries that uses the most energy.
- Will be worse by year 2030 if it does not change.
- China and India will switch places in a a few years if we don't state using alternative sources.

nicole_torres said...

Energy Consumption
The united states uses alot of energy but china and india are in the top spot for the biggest amount of energy use.
Prudoe bay is the largest oil field in north america and the Untied States uses that field for 16% of their productions.
carbon sequestering is when it is stored under ground and is moved through pipes.

Guitar_jeff said...

Energy Consumption:

The top energy consumers at the moment are the U.S., China, and Russia. China and India collectively account for 40% of the world’s energy consumption. In the future both China and India will consume more energy than they will produce.

Lien Quach said...
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Lien Quach said...

Energy consumption over time

From a list of top 10 energy consumers, USA, China, and Russia top the list.Together China and India accounts for 40% of the world's energy consumption. Their energy consumption is predicted to rise, where in 2030 it will double. They are predicted to consume more energy than they will produce.

Pablo Castro said...

carbon sequestration options
-capture of CO2
-storage to keep out of air
-chemical conversion
-storage in depleted oil or gas wells

angelgue said...

A problem when burning fossil fuels is that it emmits carbon dioxide. Most of these carbon dioxide traps heat in the atmosphere heating the eart and causing climate changes.

Jeff Crain said...

The U.S. consumes more energy than what it makes, we depend so much on fossil fuels. The U.S. is so inconsiderate that they didn't sign an agreement to release bad gases into the air.

Alma Martinez said...

Energy Consumption over time
In 2002, the three highest energy consuming countries were
-China = consumed 43.2 quadrillion Btu’s
-India = consumed 14.0 quadrillion Btu’s
-US = consumed 97.4 quadrillion Btu’s
-US consumed more energy than China and India put together with a population of only 288 million people.
-China and India both consume more energy than they can produce.