Friday, October 17, 2008


Please post your notes on Atmosphere here (use the comment feature).


Symone' Cooper said...

Atmosphere: Major gases on Earth. Nitrogen is made up by most other gases carbon dioxide. Carbon is needed because of plants etc. The atmosphere does a lot for you. It lets you hear sound waves. Which means music, voices etc. Troposphere- bottom most layer, human forms live where natural disasters occur. Stratosphere- its ozone layer is where the jet planes fly. Mesosphere- Temp decreases -90◦ and 50◦ above earth surface. Thermosphere- sun’s energy the temp increases the air’s so thin you cant really feel the heat. Exosphere- it’s the atmosphere’s layer.
UV-B most harmful
UV-C blocked
UV-A cause of skin cancer
UV-B doesn’t bother Earth
CfC’s=Carbon, chlorine and fluorine.

Erika Cruz said...

-4/5 is made up of nitrogen
-Other gase is carbon dioxide.
-made up of water vapor
-About 1/5 of the atmosphere consists of oxygen which is a critical element for life on earth

Daniel Gutierrez said...

Atmosphere is more than just protection to human environment.
There are a number of gases in the atmosphere.
* 4/5 of the gas in the atmosphere is nitrogen gas.
*Oxygen is the second largest gas in the atmosphere, a gas of need and not want it is clearly a necessity to mankind dude to the fact that its what we breath/inhale.
Other of the atmosphere gases are: Co2,helium and…
Atmosphere gases make life enjoyable whether it may be by color or waves that carry out the sound or as we call them sound waves.

*troposphere: higher you go the cooler the temperature gets.
Stratosphere: the higher the altitude level the higher the temperature level.

amytran said...

The atmosphere is composed of many gases, such as; nitrogen, oxygen , argon, and carbon dioxide. The atmosphere also has 4 main layers called the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere. In between the layers, there is a pause which contains a chemical composition. The troposphere is where we live in and as you elevate up, the temperature gets colder. The last layer, which is the thermosphere, is a part of space and where our satellite orbits around the Earth.

RoseNguyen said...

Layers of the atmosphere consist of the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere and exosphere. The troposphere layer allows human life and life forms to exist. Some elements are presented in this layer which are Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, and Carbon Dioxide. The stratosphere layer contains most of the gases and the ozone layer. The Mesosphere is thick enough to burn meteorites which make shooting stars. The thermosphere is about 1,727 degrees Celsius making it the coldest layer. It is so cold that you cannot feel heat on your skin. Lastly, is the exosphere layer, the thinnest layer around the earth where satellites orbit.

LuisNetro said...

Atmosphere: composition of atmosphere

78.094 percent of the atmosphere is composed of nitrogen, followed by 20.947 percent of oxygen, and the remaining 0.035 percent is composed of other gases such as argon and carbon dioxide. The atmosphere is divided into four layers which are troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere.

Martin Puente said...

Atmosphere: Composition of atmosphere. Atmosphere is made up of many gases that protect the earth. The atmosphere is made up of nitrogen.The atmosphere is also devide into four layers which are thermosphere, troposphere, mesosphere and stratosphere. Another gas found is carbon dioxide. Atmosphere also brings us enjoyment to earth by giving us music, color to our world and the ability to hear each other.

valentina perez said...

-4/5 is created of nitrogen
-made up of water vapors
-temperture change accurse
-oxgyen is second largest gas in the atmosphere

Thermosphere clodest temp
372 miles above the earth.this is where astronauts are located.

AGarcia91 said...

Ozone and Montreal Protocol (case study)
-is a shield
-ozone layer protects from UV
-UV-B is harmful
-UV-A gives skin cancer
-UV-C just kept out of the Earth

cano.antuan said...

Ozone and Montreal Protocol
Ozone- a shield; filters damaging ultraviolet light from reaching earths surface.

Montreal Protocol: Prevent ozone depletion; signed May 16, 1985. Against substances that deplete ozone layer,i.e., cfc's(Carbon flourine and Chlorine)

nicole_torres said...

The earth has 4 different layers of atmosphers. The outer most layer is the thermosphere.In this level the air is really thin and also a change in energy can cause a big change for the temperature. the next layer is the mesosphere. In the mesosphere it is really cold. It also contains low levels of oxygen.Following the mesosphere is the stratosphere. Stratosphere is the the area that acutally benifits us becaue it obsorbs the dangeruos sunlight that can harm humans.The last layer of the earths atmosphere is the troposphere. the air is mixed and it has more oxygen.Weather happens in the layer.

Stephanie Canchola said...

-Nitrogen makes up the most part of the earth's atmosphere
-About 4/5 of the air is made up of nitrogen
-Oxygen is the next more abundant gas in the atmosphere
-About 1/5 of the atmosphere consists of oxygen, and this is critical for almost all life on Earth
-there is also other gases like argon, and carbon dioxide

trinhle92 said...

Atmosphere: Composition of Atmosphere

The major gases on Earth
Contain: 78.1% of Nitrogen
20.9% of Oxygen
0.9% of Argon
0.1% of Carbon Dioxide
other gases.
The atmosphere is divided into 4 different layers: Tropsophere, stratosphere, mesosphere and theremosphere.

cecilia said...

The gas makes up the most part of the earth. The atmosphere is divided in four layers

victoria_herrera said...

-Ozone absorbs lower UV
-On May 16,1985 a group of British scientist reported a large decrease in the concentrations
-the UV rays are harmful and can cause skin damaging, aging and corruption of the outdoor plastics
-gas that makes up most part of the Earth’s atmosphere is made up of Nitrogen

leslie.bonilla said...

Atmosphere: 4/5 of the atmosphere is covered with Nitrogen,oxygen,CO2,helium, methane, are also in the atmosphere. There are four layers in the atmospher which are troposphere which humans live, the stratosphere where aircrafts fly,mesosphere and thermosphere which has the coldest temperature approx. 372 miles from the earth. There are 3 wavelengths and they are UVB the most harmful, UVA and UVC.

Daisy Razo said...

Composition of Atmosphere

The Atmosphere is divided into four layers
The major gases on Earth contain:
78.1% nitrogen
20.9% oxygen
0.9% argon
0.1% carbon dioxide

Valeriano Rios said...

>ozone absorbs lower cave
>uvb rays most dangerous
>in 1985- scientest reported large decrease in concentration in ozone.
>fossil fuel combustion biggest.
>wet lands have rice,more rice more methine.

cristalechandy said...

Composition of atmosphere:
Four main gases:
**oxygen,nitrogen,carbon dioxide, and argon.
**The atmosphere has 4 main layers the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere.

An Dang said...
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An Dang said...

Nitrogen gas make up most part of the Earth. Oxygen is important, 1/5 of the atmosphere. Oxygen is needed for almost all life on earth, in order to grow and live.
There are many layers: Thermosphere (coldest), Mesophere (thick gas), Statosphere (temp -1, ozone layer) and Toposhere (where humans and life form are)

Carlos Estrada said...

Vertical Profile of Atmosphere:
- Consists of 4 layers
-Troposphere: height= 7.5 miles
-Stratosphere: 30 miles from ground
-Mesosphere: 50 miles above surface
-Thermosphere: 1,727 degrees C
-Exosphere: Where satellites orbit Earth

Winnie-Grace Growe said...

Ozone- abs. UV-A, UV-B, UV-C
UV-A - low. wavelen.; caus. skin canc./aging
UV-B - mid. wavelen.; most harm., aff. hum., crops, & plants
UV-C - high wavelen.; block. from reach. earth by O2 & ozo.

minerva said...

Atmosphere is made up of four layers
The atmosphere is...
-made up of gases and particles(ex.nitrogen methane, carbon dioxide.)
- provides us with things like color, sound waves(ex. music, voices) etc.
Major Gases
79% Nitrogen
20% oxygen
.93%carbon dioxide
.93% argon

Anonymous said...

Vertical profile of atmosphere

*Consist of four layers
*Troposphere is bottom most layer
*Thermosphere-were astronauts explore
*Exosphere-the space were satellites on earth
*Stratosphere-30 miles from ground

Gustavo Navarrete said...

Layers of atmosphere
1. troposphere
2. stratosphere
3. mesosphere
4. thermosphere
5. exosphere

giselle said...

Different layers:
- troposhpere
- stratesphere
- mesosphere
- thermosphere
- exosphere
Troposphere- most bottom layer of the atmosphere.
Stratespshere- contact at 30 mil. bove the ground.
Mesosphere- gases are thick and cold enough to slow down.
Thermosphere- 372 mil. from the Earths surface
Exosphere- not concerned
UV-B- most harmful
UV-C blocked
UV-A cause skin cancer
UV-B doesnt bother Earth
CFC's carbon, chlorine and flourine.

joeperez said...

The Atmosphere consist of three layers:
And between each layer there are "pauses" where most transformation in the tempurature changes, chemical composition, movements, & density mostly occur.

Jasmine Laws said...

compostition of atmosphere
4/5 of air is nitrogen
carbon dioxde important
all these things protect us
makes life enjoyable sun light soundwaves

gutierrez.c said...

- Is made up of four different layers;
troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere.
- Made of up water vapor.
-4/5 of it is made up of nitrogen.
- It has the ozone layer which prevents uv rays to pass through.

Guitar_jeff said...


UV-B rays are the most harmful. UV-C rays are blocked by the ozone layer. UV-A rays are what cause skin cancer. The ozone layer blocks out most of the harmful UV rays. There are five layers to the atmosphere, the Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, and Exosphere layered respectively.

Lien Quach said...

Vertical profile of atmosphere
There are many layers of the atmosphere: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere. There are pauses between the layers where the temperature changes. The troposphere is where human and life exist. The elements found in this layer are: Oxygen, Nitrogen, Argon, and Carbon Dioxide. The stratosphere protects us from dangerous sunlight that would be harmful to us. The mesosphere contains low level of oxygen and also burns meteorites to make shooting stars. The thermosphere is the most coldest at 1,727.C.

Pablo Castro said...

Composition of atmosphere
-nitrogen most abundant gas in air
-oxygen second most abundant
-argon third most abundant
-CO2 fourth most abundant
-oxygen need for most life to exist
-nitrogen most abundant because not reactive with materials that make up earth
-very stable with solar radiation

angelgue said...

Our atmosphere is made up different gases: oxygen, argon, and carbon dioxide. It is also composed of four different layers: thermosphere, troposphere, stratosphere, and mesosphere.

Jeff Crain said...

The atmosphere is composed of many gases, which include
carbon dioxide
The atmosphere has 4 layers
the troposphere
the stratosphere
the mesosphere &
the thermosphere

Alma Martinez said...

Composition of Atmosphere
made up of many gasses that protect the earth
-nitrogen = 78.1%
-oxygen = 20.9%
-argon = 0.9%
-carbon dioxide = 0.1%

Divided into four layers

-Between layers, ‘pauses’, most transformation in the temperature changes, chemical composition, movement, and density mostly occurs.