Monday, October 20, 2008

Climate Change Questions

Please answer ONE of the following questions in the comment section.

  1. How do scientists reconstruct past climates? Where do they get the data?
  2. What consequences are expected by the end of this century if global warming continues at current rates?


valentina perez said...

Respond to the second question.....
If we continue to live are life’s this way we will be making are future families suffer. The ice in the North Pole will start to melt. This will cause the water levels to increase. Therefore water levels will rise around beaches. Since their will not be much ice left for the polar bears they will have fewer habits, leading to extinction. Such birds will start to fly north for the winter earlier causing more problems.

leslie.bonilla said...

By the end of this century there will be lots of problems due to global warming and that is the climate will change, the population will decrease and there will be less food. We have seen the changes already in our climate for instance there seems to be more days that are hot than normal. Also every hurricane season brings hurricanes that are more intense than the years before an example is this years Hurricane Ike that brought devastation to the Gulf Coast. A very disturbing image has surface are the ice caps up in the north pole melting this means that places that were once cold are becoming warmer. I believe the population will decrease because if the temperature gets higher than people will die of hydration because of the intense heat. The population will decrease because the lack of food I say this because crops will die out because of the heat and also the animals may die due to this cause. These are just some of the things that may happen to the future of the Earth due to global warming.

minerva said...

By the end of this century people need to be ready for not only drastic climate changes but other things as well. Immigration will become a huge problem. People are going to start migrating north, and places that used to be too cold to live in are going to get occupied quickly. Not just people either but animals as well; those who can will also migrate north but those who can’t will most likely end up dying because they might not be able to adapt to the new climate. I think that it’s safe to say that we can expect many species to become extinct. Also, a lot crop failures, farming depends a lot on climate, this will probably result in a shortage of food.

Alma Martinez said...

Responding to the second question…

Warmer climates will increase the rate that the ice is melting in the North. This will cause there to be even more water in the oceans. Animals living in the North will go extinct because their habitats will slowly be melting. If greenhouse gasses are continued to be released, they will cause warmer climates. It would probably lead to having longer summers filled with hurricanes. Warmer climates will increase hurricane frequency and category, like having a lot of hurricanes like Ike, which will lead to a lot of damage. Climate changes will affect animal migration as well as plants.

trinhle92 said...

What consequences are expected by the end of this century if global warming continues at current rates?

If the global warming continues at current rates, by the end of this century, we need to expect that the people and animals who live in North, a cold place, will start immigrate, because if the global warming continues like this, the ice in the North will melt and no one will be able to live there anymore.

Stephanie Canchola said...

2. If global warming continues, the world can expect the ice of the North Pole to start melting, this leading to the polar bears to go extinct, because there isn't a lot of ice anymore. Also if the green house gas increases, hurricanes will be more intense, causing more destruction.

Anonymous said...

My response for the second question is that if global warming continues things will change. There may be extreme weather events. Diseases will start spreading around. There will be changes in timing of seasonal patterns. Impact in the economy will be drastic.

giselle said...

My response for the second question is that because of global warming it spreads disease. It is also said that radioative forcing by greenhouses is the primary cause of global warming. Also because of the climate change the weather changes. For example the wind pattern is different and it includes average temperature and precipitation. The changes cause the process of the earth.
The climate is the average state of weather. It is stable and predictable. As I said climate is the average temperature, amount of precipitation, and the days of sunlight. Glaciers are said to grow and collapse both causing to natural variability and greatly increasing outside forced changes.

nicole_torres said...

If global warming continues and we do not try to save or conserve we will be in hole. Many food and fruit production would be stopped because it would no longer be able to grown in the areas where it usually lives. Animal species will either try to migrate or die in the process. The cold areas in the world will melt and the animal in that area will be extinct.
All the bodies of water will evaporate and that will cause water problems not only for the rivers and such but for the sea life and our water supply.

melly-j said...

As we all know, the world will end one day. If we all keep on living on this earth the way we do now, the worse it will get every second. Global warming is the big cause of this whole climate change. The Earth's climate has warmed and cooled for millions of years, since long before we appeared on the scene. There is no doubt that the temperatures are getting warmer and warmer every day! So, if that day ever comes, don't be surprised!

alexfranco said...

Response to the first question...

When snow falls it carries with it the compounds that are in the air at the time, compounds ranging from sulfate, nitrate and other ions, to dust, radioactive fallout, and trace metals. When snow falls in a place where temperatures above freezing are rare such as in polar regions or at high altitude, the snow from one year falls on top of the previous year without melting.

Martin Puente said...

My response to the second question is that if we do not control our ways of living right now we wont be able to live long enough. Many animals will be extinct and many people will begin do develop diseases and will begin to spread them out.Global warming is a bad thing that really needs to get reduced.

LuisNetro said...

What consequences are expected by the end of this century if global warming continues at current rates?

If global warming continues to increase, we will have a lot of serious problems by the end of this century. First of all, the ice at the poles will start to melt. This is bad because this means that the water level of the oceans will increase and flood several cities. Global warming will also help in the formation of lots of hurricanes wich would bring along lots of deaths, as well. As we can see global warming is a very serious issue.

Erika Cruz said...

Answering the second question. Global warming is a big issue in today's world because we and our future family will suffer the consequences. More hurracaines are going to occur, and they will be stronger each time. Other natural disasters like Tsunamis and tornatoes and colder winters and hoter summers. This would also affect the animal population, especially the ones living the north poles.

gutierrez.c said...

Responding to the first question....
They find out how the climate was by taking samples from two feet under so see how that year might have been. In each layer of ice there would be something different every time and also how it might have been in that one year. If the sample had many layers then it might say how the climate changed through out that one year.

Winnie-Grace Growe said...

Scientists reconstruct past climates by looking at ice cores. Ice cores are an accumulation of snow and ice trapped and crystallized over time. With ice cores, scientists can determine the snow quantity, the amount of wind, and if there was a possible ice age.

LucellePhan said...

If global warming continues at its current rate until the end of this century, several consequences will be made. Because of the increase of temperature that is caused by global warming, animals migrates farther to the north, which used to be cold, is now warmer. Both birds and plants produce and blooms sooner that usual, leading to the result of 20 % animal extinction if they cannot adapt with the changes of global warming. About 10% of the world is 30 feet below sea level, people in poor countries would also suffer in the climate change because of the spread of the disease like malaria. Global warming is also a cause of creating stronger hurricanes. This year of 2008, Hurricane Ike was barely category 2 and yet caused extreme damage in its path.

Jasmine Laws said...

responding to question two.
The way I see it is if global warming continues then doom to all humans, animals, and plants. If global warming is steadily or even increasing then by the end of the year everyone will be living on the verge to life long disappointment. Also, we would problam die due to plants decresing in reproduction. Another downfall is that more hurricanes will accure, and we all know when a hurricane comes gas goes up, food is harder to find, etc. We all would be in depression, recessions, and all the sessions you can name.

Symone' Cooper said...

In response to question two..
If global warming continues at the rate its going and nothing good can come out of it things will make a turn for the worst. One thing that will change drastically is the rainfall each year and the amount of hurricanes and tropical depressions that will show up. As long as global warming is going on the ocean waters are warmer and more likely to develop a hurricane with extreme force winds, rain and flooding. Another thing that will be affected is the animals. The animals will have no other choice but to migrate to other places to be able to stay alive. This is bad for the poor little animals because for some it messes up their natural habitat and for others it changes things in their breed that were not expected. Lastly are the humans involved. What happens to the people that live in poorer cities and if/when hurricanes hit their less likely to have the correct supplies to take care of themselves and their family members. These are the people that my heart goes out to because what happens to them as long as the problem global warming is going on!

cano.antuan said...
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cano.antuan said...

Scientists study past climates by studying ice cores, samples taken two miles deep within ice shelfs.
The ice cores are composed of cristallized snow layers, as snow falls from through the atmosphere it can also pick up compounds that are in the air which can help scientists compose an atmosphere for a certain time period based on what the snow picked up. The ice cores also contain anything from dust,metals,pieces of meteorites, and radioactive particles.

amytran said...

Question #1

When scientists want to figure out the climate changes over the past years, they conduct a project to retrieve ice cores. Ice cores are samples of the snow that crystallized over a many years. Within the snow, there’s stuff like meteorites, carbon dioxide, and methane. When snows fall, they usually freeze up once over time, then the next snow blizzard will fall over those frozen snow.

By taking an ice core, the scientists are able to see layers on them that determine what happened during that time period. For example, scientists can take the ice core and analyze it to tell events that occurred and things that soon will happen. With the ice cores, they can see how much snow fell during that time, how much wind was blowing, or if an ice age occurred. Not only that, scientists can also examine the ice core and see if an ice age might occur.

Valeriano Rios said...

If global warming continues to increase at this rate all the ice on the earth surface would melt,water levels will increase and this will change habbitats and normal lives of animals.

Gustavo Navarrete said...

respond to second question...

Our climate has been changing dramatically over the last one-hundred and fourthy years. Temperatures have skyrocketed, and natrual phenomena has increased in intensity outrageously. If we do not change our ways of life, we cannot expect nothing less severe.

Since the climate patterns have changed, animals and plants start to reproduce earlier, but those who cannot adapt to the rate of change, will soon become extinct. And if the resources that keep us alive perish too, the populations of every race of animal will soon start to deacrease, and if not changed will soon become extinct.

RoseNguyen said...

My answer pertains to the second question. In the next few years, it seems as if all animals will cease to exist. Climate change causes animals to develop and migrate at an earlier stage. Global warming is occurring at this very minute, and if it continutes to go on, lots of things will start to die out. Other consequences are that the atmosphere will be polluted like crazy. Carbon dioxide emissons will wrap around the earth and suffocate everything except the plants.
When and if global warming continues, polar ice caps will melt and land will be underwater. Melting something involves heat. When adding water and heat, you create monster hurricanes and mini tornadoes. Global warming also causes plants to die out because it will change the quantity and quality of agriculture. Weather will also change drastically.

Anonymous said...

What consequences are expected by the end of this century if global warming continues at current rates?

If Global warming continues, the temperatures will keep increainsg causing the Ice caps to melt causing the sea level to rise. Which for some animals, like the polar bears, they will become extinct, due to what is happening to their natural habitat which makes it harder for them to live in the weather makes it harder for them to obtain their , food supply.

Other species such as the birds that fly south for the winter, are actually leaving earlier, and that is not a good thing. Some species are actually laying their eggs earlier than they should and its affecting their kind.

Carlos Estrada said...

If global warming continues at current rates, by the end of the century there will be more intense hurricanes, higher temperatures, and a dramatic change on Earth's population.
The warmer a year is, the more intense hurricanes will be. With the continuing rise of global warming, there is a chance that hurricanes will increase in size, intensity, and destruction by the end of the century.
Also, with the increae in global warming, Earth's average temperature would increase causing a change in Earth's population. More people will die due to the high temperatures which cause dehydration among people. These high temperatures would also impact food supplies due to the amount of crop failures there would be.

Sergio said...

One reason why the climate is changing is because we are the reason why we are going through global warming. Everyday we are smoking, driving cars, and building green houses. These things are bring heat to the earth from fires we use to absorbing heat from the sun. We are melting the ice in place filed with icebergs and moutains. So this is one way how we are changing the earth's climate.

The second way we earth's climate is changing is beacuse of all the natural disasters. Every year Caifornia has a forest fire and Florida has a hurricane. These thing change the tempeture and weather in these places when they occur. These are a few of the things in the world that is changing the earth's climate.

erica_garza said...

If the world keeps going on the way it is the world as we know it will no longer exist. There will be more water in the oceans and animals in the North will go extinct. Soon all the ice will begin to melt. There will be more hurricanes and the climate will be much hotter.

sofia said...

Due to climate change, several consequences are going to occur. Intense natural disasters are going to begin to increase. Hurricanes, for example, are going to get bigger and countries that are not so advanced may get drowned out. Some countries live in big flooding areas without ways to protect themselves. Hurricane Ike was an example of an intense natural disaster.

There will also be more animal migration occuring before the time is necessary. Birds and plants would begin to develop at a faster rate. Some would even go extinct because there would not be food for them to eat yet, since they were born before schedule. Climate change not only hurts humans, but their surroundings as well.

An Dang said...

What consequences are expected by the end of this century if global warming continues at current rates?

There will be more disaster occur and the ice in North Pole is probably would continue melting. Animals will start dying because they can't fit in with the adaption and the young ones are not strong enough to survive. And humans also will have a very be effect by the changing as well.

EdgarBarrera said...

A series of consequences must be faced if we continue to live the way we do with global warming. For instance, the climate would dramatically change, causing more rainfall and hotter years. Now when it comes to hot years, the warm temperature can in fact produce more intense hurricanes. If every year the temperatures continue to increase then the hurricanes will become more monstrous. Besides that, some creatures can only survive in a certain type of temperature, and if they try to migrate to another area, they could end up dieing in the process. Also the North Pole’s ice is melting because of the hot temperature, now with global warming, this only speeds up the process. With no North Pole, polar bears will have no place to live and can go extinct.

angelgue said...

What consequences are expected by the end of this century if global warming continues at current rates?
Some of the consequences if global warming continues is that there would be climate changess. With climate changes many will suffer. Several climate changes can be the melt of the ice caps which can cause Florida and other costal cities to disappear or be submerged underwater.