Monday, October 20, 2008

Alternative Energy Question

Please answer ONE of the following questions in the comment section.

  1. Many types of alternative energy were discussed in the presentation. Which one or two do you think have the greatest potential to solve the worlds energy problems?
  2. Where do you stand on the ethanol/biomass controversy? Do you think the US should pass legislation to increase ethanol production?


valentina perez said...

My responds to the first question...
My personal choice would be the Wind assessments because i think in the long run it would pay off. It can be placed in stated that have a yearly large amount of wind. My second choice would be the solar plates. They can be placed on top of large building and every where there is one!

Alma Martinez said...

Respondiding to the first question...
I think that the passive solar energy would be the best choice. The passive solar energy does not require any machines so it would definetly be cheaper than active solar energy which requires machines.

minerva said...

I think that solar power is the best kind of alternative energy, because the sun is something that we’ll never run out of. At first it will cost money to make the equipment that is needed but it will be worth it in the long run. After the initial cost, electricity will become more affordable. I also think that hydropower is a good kind of alternative energy. Hydropower is when you use water to make electricity, this is good because it helps control water and it will also become cheaper, not to mention that the environment will become a much healthier place to live in.

leslie.bonilla said...

The two sources of alternative energy that I find that will be resourceful in the future are solar and hydropower. Solar energy has been used already by many people around the world and they don’t find a problem with it. The sun will be here for at least a billion years so we don’t have to worry about it losing disappearing for a long time. Solar energy would not harm the Earth more than it is. Using solar energy is a safe because all you need is a solar panel to absorb its energy.
Hydropower is a good method for energy because the material you need in order to create is water and more than ¾’s of the Earth’s surface is covered with water. Besides creating energy it also controls flooding, irrigation, and it’s renewable which is always helpful. This are the two alternative sources of energy that I think would be useful for creating energy.

RoseNguyen said...
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Daniel Gutierrez said...

Question 1:

I have a greater belief that if their was ever change in a alternative or renewable energy yes , the U.S. economy would at first suffer because of our currently independence in the worlds leading suppliers of petroleum be little to no use they would no longer be needed and unfortunately go broke. As a human one is a problem to this effect since the invention of the automobile us as American have found he urge to drive from location A - location B even if its two house or two streets down. We have outrageously violated the scarce energy sources of petroleum creating a higher demand into this business in were others have profited from this and have gross from tremendous amounts of money of profit per gallon of gas but in order for this world to see serenity between the alternative/ renewable energy diversities they would first have to place an end to petroleum plants. From their fort one could have a little more tranquility and a major relief in escalating gasoline problems since their will be little to no demand for other alternative and yet renewable energy sources. Such as the states of Washington Oregon and California have begun a production of hydropower leaving Biomass requirements of plants or animal maters which then would produce energy.

giselle said...

My response for the second question is that I feel ethanol should not increase. People are already suffering enough to afford to buy gas to get to one place and to another. By increasing ethanol our economy will be worse. As I said people will and are struggling today to buy gasoline, food and etc. So my opinion is that the U.S should not pass legislation to increase ethanol production.
My second response to where I stand on the ethanol and biomass controversy is that ethanol is harming the people lives. Biomass controversy on the other hand does not harm us. By having people struggle on affording ethanol harms us way more than biomass. Biomass is actually helping us because it is the energy from the plants. Unlike ethanol we can actually grow plants to give us energy. There are many problems that are happening today because of this situation and the biomass is not harming anybody or causing problems anywhere.

Anonymous said...

My response to the second question is that in the controversy of ethanol and biomass I would stand in the biomass side because I believe biomass doesn’t harm us as much as ethanol. We need ethanol as an individual in our everyday lives which harms us because we need ethanol more than biomass today. We need it to get transported from place to place. We are even fighting at war just because of the need of ethanol. In the other hand biomass comes from plants, which we can grow. Cultivating plants is much easier than fighting and wasting money on supplies for war.
I don’t think the U.S should pass legislation on the increase of ethanol production because we are now suffering from unemployment. We can barely afford it. Since it’s a need for our everyday life and transportation, we have to satisfy the need one way or another. An even though we satisfy it, we still loose money for other things that we really do need. For example, food, house bills etc.

victoria_herrera said...

I think that solar energy will have the greatest potential to solve the world’s energy problems. Because it is directly form the sun and heats things as water, we will not have to use other things such as gas stoves to boil just a small amount of water. If we try using resources that are natural this can soon help the world’s problems.
Wind power will also be a great help in the world. If we use the wind energy to convert into electricity this will be the plan of a great genius. It will help stop with gases and pollution. Wind energy will be widely distributed, clean, and reduces greenhouse gas.

melly-j said...

My response to the first question, the solar energy is the greatest potential to solve the world’s energy problems. Solar energy is the light and radiant heat from the Sun that influences Earth's climate and weather and sustains life. Solar energy technologies can provide electrical generation by heat engine. The sun would help with a lot, such as; cooking, heating water, and maybe one day start our cars for us one day…if we ever get to that point! The more that we use this type of energy, the more our community will be able to prevent global warming.

Stephanie Canchola said...

2. I think the solar energy has a great potential to solve the worlds energy problem because it does not require a machine, its really simple, and all it needs it's the sun. I also think hydropower is good becuase it controls flooding, its cheaper electricity, renewable energy, and unlimeted fuel to power it.

Martin Puente said...
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Martin Puente said...

For the first question, i would use the solar energy because it really doesent need nothing as in other machines and can be allot of help.So it would definetly be cheaper than active solar energy which requires machines.

nicole_torres said...

Responding to the first question..
I think that to be able to save and produce alternative energy the smartest and the most efficient way would have to be the Hydropower plants. I think that this is a good idea for us to follow and build on because the world has more than enough water to be able to produce enough energy to proved electricity and power to people around the globe. Water is something we cannot just simply run out of or have to pay high price for it. There is always going to be a water supply because without water we will not be able to live.
Another good idea would be the Solar Power. Every day we are awaken by the most free and brightening light in the sky, the sun. So why not take advantage of the light that is shining down on us and produce good and cheap energy. We would just have to spend some money on building the solar panels but after that it will be a breeze.

Anahi said...

In my opinion, I would say that solar energy is the best choice for us to use. By using solar energy, we would save alot of money of bills and at the same time we would be helping the environment. Sure, at the beginning it might cost a bit to put in all the materials we would need to produce the solar energy but in the long run it actually helps us reduce the expenses. The rest of the alternatives for reducing the energy problems are great also but for me, I would definitely use solar energy.

LuisNetro said...

Many types of alternative energy were discussed in the presentation. Which one or two do you think have the greatest potential to solve the worlds energy problems?

Personally, i think that the two best types of energy are, wind energy and solar energy because they are 100% natural. We just have to use those amazing natural resourses which are the sun or the wind. They dont affect the animals environment such as hydropower energy. so this is why i think that wind energy and sunlar energy are the best types of energy.

Erika Cruz said...

In my response to the first question I would say solar energy.
The reason why I chosed solar energy is very simple, it would be less expensive, more natural, and we will not use oher resources that we have on Earth that may be useful for other things.

gutierrez.c said...
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gutierrez.c said...

My response to the first question...I think that they two most useful and renewable energy would be solar energy and hydropower plants. My reason for these two is because both of them don't pollute ozone cause of green house gases unlike all the chemicals they put in out gas. Both solar energy and hydropower plants are unlimited since they are our natural sources that we use everyday. It does not require that much machinery unlike all the rest of the other things there are out there.

Guitar_jeff said...

I believe solar and wind energy collectively have the greatest potential to solve the world’s energy problem. Both are limit-less sources and neither release Co2 of enough Co2 into the atmosphere to cause sufficient harm. Although it will be expensive to get the project on its feet, once adequate funds have been spent in development and such I’m sure the energy will more than pay for itself in the not too distant future. Both are reliable and already being used effectively on a relatively small scale, thus I believe wind and solar energy have the greatest potential to solve the energy crisis.

Lien Quach said...

Response to first question:
With the state the world is in today, my personal choice would be both solar and wind as energy alternatives. With solar power, we have an abundant supply from the sun which heats up just about anything. All we need is machinery that will absorb the sun's rays and convert it to energy for our use. With wind, it'll take money to build the wind turbines, but in the long run it would be beneficial to us. If we harness the wind's kinetic energy, we would have yet another source of energy, and it would not be harmful to the environment.

Lourdes Martinez said...

Response to question #1:
The two types, that I think have the greatest potential of becoming our sources of energy, are solar and wind energy. These two types are naturally generated; therefore they do not cause damage for the Earth. Of course that the transition of our actual source of energy to solar and wind will not be easy especially if some equipment is needed for this change, but once done it will be easy and cheap.
Even today, passive solar heating does not require much, just opening the window and letting sun rays in. Active solar heating does require a collector, which is helpful in places where it tends to get colder. Wind energy is the other option I find viable, gathered by wind turbines. Though these wind generators would have to be placed at strategic places where wind is frequent and strong, so they would generate enough energy. Any change will take effort at first, but I think solar and wind energy have the greatest potential, not only in being effective, but also in saving our environment.

Angela Villarreal said...

We should take in consideration leaving a world for the future.Carbon emmisions into our enviroment affects the shaping of the future of our world. Two methods of alternative energy that could be essential and very benefial to the perservation of our world are wind energy and solar energy.
This two methods of alternative energy do not produce carbon emissions that in the long run can effect our enviroment. The instalment of the solar pannels fo solar energy or the wind mills for wind energy at the beginning can cost you but in the end it is profitible to the human economy and enviroment. The wind nor the sun will never run out and is free, so obtaining energy will not be a difficulty.

Jasmine Laws said...

In reponse to the first question, I wouls say that solar powered energy would be best and exceed all energy alternatives. I say this because solar energy is more natural and has a positive impact on global warming and earth's natrual being. Being that global warming and the world's heatlh issues with natural plants and etc. I think solar energy would do the job. Another positive impact would be on our pockets; the fact that solar energy is generated on solar(the sun)our economics would improve. Change the way we think we could change the world.

Winnie-Grace Growe said...

I think that as far as the ethanol/biomass controversy is concerned, I am against using ethanol as fuel because if the U.S. passes legislation to increase ethanol production, the price of food such as corn would gradually go higher because of the shortage of corn for the people to eat that is being used to make fuel. Also, ethanol is not really guaranteed to have no net increase of CO2 in the atmosphere.

cecilia said...

The first question responds.

To me i think the wind assessment would be more useful to us. It would payoff in the future, and it could be more helper to us. All around it would be better because wind is always around.

Symone' Cooper said...

Response to question number one!
I personally like the wind energy and the solar energy.I like the wind energy because it uses natural thins for energy. It uses the rays from the sun to turn huge wind turbines.Also the solar energy because with this it is cheaper and it can be there to not let us down in the long run.

maria_jaime said...

I think that wind and solar enegrgy have the greatest potential to solve the world's ebergy problems. Wind energy doesn't harm the environment with greenhouse gas emmisions and if stragetically placed in very windy areas would produce alot of energy. Solar energy would also benefit us in the long run because the sun in something that is almost always there. We can make good use of the sunrays and convert them into electricity to power our homes.

amytran said...

Question #1

Yes, many alternative energy methods were introduced to us during the presentation. All had advantages and disadvantages, but there is one that I think would be more effective towards the environment. In my opinion, I would choose the wind as a source of energy for many reasons

One reason why I choose the wind as an excellent source is because wind is a natural resource. Not only that, the wind is abundance and everywhere, something that is not limited to our use. Another reason is because using the wind turbine engines doesn’t do any harm to the environment. Although it takes a lot of money to start off, I definitely think it’ll be totally worth it in the long run.

Valeriano Rios said...

My responce is to the first question...
My choice would be solor energy because it costs alot to buy up front but later on it will help you in the future. You will not have to worry about light bills. It is also better for the enviroment.

RoseNguyen said...

My answer pertains to the first question. Solar energy is the most efficient because there are pros and cons to all the other alternative resources except solar energy. It only requires a solar pad and the sun. The sun will always come out. Being dependent on the sun is probably the best alternative for energy. When you think about it, the sun has always been here. We will never run out of sunlight. Unlike wind energy, solar energy does not depend on the wind or takes up ridiculous amounts of land.

The earth is made up of 75 percent of water. Which also means that there is a high chance that we will not run out of water anytime soon. Hydropowered energy is another alternative to take into consideration. This type of energy is reliable because it does not hurt animals. By using this, there are no amounts of carbon dioxide emissions are exhibited in the atmosphere. When comparing solar energy against hydropowered energy, they both seem to be natural types of energy.

Sergio said...

I think that we should use an alternative energy plan. One way is to use solor energy is very expensive to use and we need to find a way to save money using energy. I think solar energy is the best way to save money Beacuse no one really as to spend money to get energyBecause the sun will do all the work giving us enrgy. So this is the first alternative we should do.
The second alternative way we should save energy is using dams. Dams save alot of money and make plenty of energy we can use every fifteen minutes.It is also towards the beavers and animals that live near the water. So this is why I think that Dams are the second best alternative solution.

erica_garza said...

Answering question 1 I think that the best type of energy that should be used is Solar energy and Wind Power energy. Solar energy is an effective way because it is natural and does not let out pollution. all it uses is the sun's rays. Just like Solar energy Wind energy is a good option because it does not let out pollutions but only uses the wind to power things.

Anonymous said...

Many types of alternative energy were discussed in the presentation. Which one or two do you think have the greatest potential to solve the worlds energy problems?

One of the alternative energy resources that was mentioned were wind turbines, which use the earths natural, wind to make power. The good thing from this is that they realease no green house gasses in to our atmosphere.

the other alternative resource would be Flat plate collectors, which basically harness the suns rays and converted into energy, this also does not release green house gasses.

Carlos Estrada said...

In my opinion, Wind Assessments will have the greatest potential to solve the world's energy problems.
This is because wind energy is very clean, effective, and harmless to the environment. Although it may cost alot of money to construct them, they will definitely payoff as time passes.

trinhle92 said...

Many types of alternative energy were discussed in the presentation. Which one or two do you think have the greatest potential to solve the worlds energy problems?

Many types of alternative energy were discussed in the presentation. I think wind energy and solar energy have the greatest potential to solve the worlds energy problems. First of all, both wind and solar energy are natural energy so I don't think we will ever run out of it. Both of the energy also clean and harmless to people and the environment.

An Dang said...

Many types of alternative energy were discussed in the presentation. Which one or two do you think have the greatest potential to solve the worlds energy problems?

The Solar energy and the Wind power are the ones with the greatest potential to solve the world's energy problem. Because the sun is away there for us, and the wind is natural. There might be a huge amount of cost building these equipments but when we can use it, they will be all worth.

angelgue said...

I think that the best choice would be solar energy. It would be solar energy because it will last forever and it doesnt emit carbon dioxide. Another advantage by using this source of energy is that it does not harm the environment. Therefore soalr energy would be the best choice.