Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Writing Diagnostic reflection

Please write a small paragraph as a response to the assignment. Some questions to consider: Did you discover something new about your attitude toward writing? What process did you follow to complete the assignment? Was it difficult to accomplish?

Please post your responses as a comment to this blog. Also, be sure to comment on at least one or two other people's reflections. The purpose is to faciliate a dialogue about writing without taking up class time. Your ONLY grade on this assignment will be to post and comment here, so be sure to do so by the end of the week (Friday, September 5, 2008).


AdrianaGaytan said...

When I was done with my assignment I really discover anything new towards my writing. The only thing I discovered was that I would like to improve and appreciate writing more. Writing is needed through life so I might as well get good at it, you can say that is my goal this year. The assignment to me was pretty simple because I related to the film I picked out. I organized the writing well and used a proper format making sure I emphasized my main points.

LuisNetro said...

To be honest, this wasn't anything new to me because I am used to write a lot. somehow I really anjoy it because I can express my ideas clrearly. This assignment was not difficult at all to me. If I had to choose between reading or writing I would definitely choose writing.

AdrianaGaytan said...

I agree with Luis Netro on how the assignment was not difficult at all because the film helped us express our ideas easily.

Anonymous said...

I like to write, my favorite type of writing is poetry,because I can say, and express the things that are wrong or good with the world, me and everyone else, and this assignment Has led me to feel even better about writing, because just like the world it isnt perfect but, you take it one step at a time. Which Is why I agree with Luis, writing, is about expressing yourself, although I would rather read. ^_^

Anonymous said...

I also agree with Adriana, being able to improve something like writing is not something everyone has the priviliage to do, and I think thats what really makes us learn to focus not just on writing but on what it is we are writing about. What it is we hope to change or move in people, or things.

AGarcia91 said...

Ok so when i was doing this assignment I found out that I can do my work faster is when I get to it and when I am full of ideas. Once I have everything I have to write about is easier for me to finish my work on time. This assignment wasn't hard at all but it was help full

AGarcia91 said...

I agree with what luis said because writing is way better then reading you can find out many things you believe in and how you look at things

valentina perez said...

I have to agree with abys comment on how i choice reading over writting .Aby i was confused when you stated you choice to write poetry rather then write.I see all writing as expressing your self ,or speaking out.but those are just my personal thoughts!

valentina perez said...

As many others I have to agree that the assingment was not a diffecult task.However it did show me how much i grow as a writter.I am assuming that was the whole purpose of the assingment ,which I was able to understand.The movie made it easier to express my self by pulling out certain qoutos.

alexfranco said...

No, My attitude towards writing stayed the same after completing the assignment. I had always known that i wrote that way and just by relating it to some film wont "change" how i already feel. I feel reading is pretty important and that you need a high understanding of it but, i don't think you can "discover" something in your own self conscious, something that was already there. i didn't really go through a process i just write what comes to mind and what i think needs to be written. i don't think it was that hard because the answer lied in you, you didn't have to read someone else's book and try to understand how they write.

alexfranco said...

i agree with what Adriana said about how The assignment is easy once you organize everything and use a proper format. i think its important to organize things because without it it would be chaos.

cristalechandy said...

After I completed this assigment I learned that i write on how I feel. I don't just write any kind of emotion down and progress it I live through it. my attitude tends to be more arguementative sort of. which I think is good, i say what i want expressing myself through the process. i did not find it difficult to accomplish because i know myself to the extremeity that i know how my writing and attitudes tends to be. i followed the thesis in itself. made it into a few paragraphs and did the work. i feel as if this is going to be a great oppurtunity for other classmates to figure out what their attitudes really are based on writing.

nicole_torres said...

When ever I write a paper of a speech I always begin with an outline. I find outlines very helpful because they just map out what your going to write.This assignment was to me just any other paper i have written.But I think this one was a cool one because it made it fun link our writing to a movie.

amytran said...

After finishing my assignment, my attitudes towards writing didn't change, but of course not. My feelings toward writing can't magically change over one course of homework. It takes progress and although I don't like to write, I know that writing will always be in my daily schedule somehow. So I have to learn to get use to writing, or at least, make writing enjoyable. (:

amytran said...

REPLY: nicole_torres

I totally agree with you about the outline. I used to dread writing at least a page essay because my essays made no sense and I wouldn't know what to write. But when I was introduced to outlines in high school, it made my essays look more organized. That helped me a lot because I would tend to get off track, but with an outline, that doesn't happen as much or not at all. To be honest, it really did made me not hate writing so much.

RoseNguyen said...

Rose Nguyen
I used the ‘I don’t care for’ this paper process, so I could do well, because when I don’t do well, it’s because I think it was an easy task to do. I consider this essay an easy homework assignment because I tried to make it seem like I didn’t care. Like all the other juniors, I procrastinated until like last possible day. So at times, I think it was sort of difficult to accomplish. Also because I had written too much in the essay and I had to go back and erase some sentences so it would be 2 pages.

RoseNguyen said...

I agree with Adriana Gaytan when she said that writing will be needed throughout everyone's life. I also agree with her when she said that the assignment was easy because I chosed a flim that reflected myself.

victoria_herrera said...

After I completed my assignment i found it to be a bit easier. I've always found it to be boring when i write but i learned it is only a mind thing. As I stated what my goals were in my essay, it helped me understand what i wanted to improve. Now when I write I want to make sure I put all my effort into it and not just scramble a few words together.

victoria_herrera said...

I agree with Rose, at first when i received the assignment I used the "I don't care" attitude. but after writing the assignment it helped me realize that i need to car and finish these last few years at high school. in the real world there isn't second chances, so make your first chance worth while.

maria_jaime said...

After writing the diagnostic, I realized that I had to recall things that I have learned in the past to even put together this very sentence. Everything that I have learned and experienced have affected my writing and made me the writer that I am today. Pieces of feelings and iformation from years past come together when I put my thoughts into words.

Nayelli Saucedo said...

Doing this homework assignment did not change my perspective about writing. I knew what I wanted to write about and I had planned everything, yet my thoughts would not flow onto my papper. The assignment itself was not difficult, but I always tend to fall into writer's block.

Nayelli Saucedo said...

I have to agree with Maria Jaime about using all your experiences and learning to compose a single sentence. It is true. However, I did not realize it with this assignment. I actually barely thought of it when I read Maria's posting.

EdgarBarrera said...

The assignment was basically the best of both worlds for me; writing and movies. I really enjoy writing and I definately like watching movies. The whole paper was a breeze for me, mostly because it was over something that was interesting to me. I was just flowing down the paper, getting all my ideas down with no hassle.

Erika Cruz said...

This assignment was fairly easy.
I enojoy writing, so I did not find it dificult to write a paper about something I like.

EdgarBarrera said...

I have to agree with alexfranco, the assignment was not difficult because all the answers and ideas to write the paper lie within the writer. So there was no need to research on someone else in order to complete the assignment.

An Dang said...

After I finished this assignment, I realized something: I want to write better than I am now. I want to be able to write something that can leave something behind to all the readers and let them understand the feelings and emotions I want to tell them. I hope that my words can reach everybody, to be able to do this I must work harder than ever.

An Dang said...

I agree with Little ABi that you have to take one step at a time. Because if you tend to rush things up it only ends up mess up. You must learn to crawl before you learn to walk. Everything has to go by order, so if you want to write better then you must find your weakness first and then fix it.

An Dang said...

I agree with Erika Cruz, if you like something then you will find it very easy to write about. Because you will put more feelings and passions into the paper. And I am sure that paper would be one of the best papers you ever done.

Angela Villarreal said...

When I completed my assigment, I discovered that everyday one finds something new from one self.I discovered that if I propose to myself to become a better writer I can achieve it. This paper was fairly easy, because I was expressing the way I really feel toward writing.

Angela Villarreal said...

I agree with Maria Jaime that this writing assigment made us recall pass experience that helps us structure the way that everyone now writes.

Angela Villarreal said...
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Jeff Crain said...

When I wrote about the movie Amarte Duele compared to my writing, I learned that I plan out my writing before I get it on paper. I start of scared and doubtful about my writing. I get scared because I think my writing doesn’t meet expectations, but I feel my writing has gotten better than what it was in the past. This assignment was easy for me, due to that I started working on this assignment right after getting it and made an outline of how I wanted my essay to look like.

giselle said...

I agree with Angel because i feel that it is easy to write on something that you are able to connect with. Once you get into your writing you won't stop and will keep writing good ideas. By getting into your work it is faster for you to finish up. I also agree with Abi that by writing you are expressing your feelings. You are also able to let out anything that is on your mind.

Valeriano Rios said...
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Valeriano Rios said...

I feel that this assignment was a way to show how write. The assignment help me learn more about my flaws and how i can improve them. I feel that i can improve my writing by brainstorming and writing a ruff draft before I am finished with the assignment given

Valeriano Rios said...

I would have to agree with Edgar Barrera because writing bout this certain topic is like the best of both worlds because teens today spend most of their time either watching movies or writing about how they feel.

Jordan Campos said...

Well to be completely frank, i thought this assignment was terrific. This assignment helped me reacquaint myself with my writing skills. I have always had a fondness for movies, and this assignment fused my love for movies and my love for writing together. This assignment was a fantastic choice to start off the year!

trinhle92 said...

After the Writing Diagnostic assignment, I discovered that writing is very hateful but I need to try harder. I want the audience to feel and understand the emotions that I put in writing.

trinhle92 said...

I agree with An, in order to leave the readers with emotions, we must work harder than before.

Martin Puente said...

I actually did discover something new about my attitude towards writing. I discovered that before i actually new about some ways to make witing easier, i really didint care how i was writing. But now i know that it requires some patience and undestanding.You have to picture it in your mind to make it easier to understand and comprehend for you reader.

Martin Puente said...

I agree with luis netro in some ways. This wasent that difficult because we do right allot, and what he said at the end i would also choose writing.

tiffany_hinson said...

I found this assignment to be not much different than others. The fact that I had to relate my writing to a movie was sort of a new concept for me. Once I examined my writing styles, though, I found it much easier to pick a movie. as always, getting started was the hardest part. I knew what I wanted to say in the body of th paragraph but the introduction was what was stopping me. When i did finally get started it came much easier to me, but then again for me that's always the case.

tiffany_hinson said...

i agree with agarcia91. i think its a lot easier to do an assignment when im full of ideas on what i am to write about.

gutierrez.c said...

When I had finished the assignment I felt that I was relived because I found that I could compare to something that I liked. This assignment helped me into finding the things that I found difficult to write. It was a relive finding something that I could compare it to.

Gustavo Navarrete said...

When I finished the writing diagnostic, I realized that it was not hard at all. All I need to do to improve my writing skills is to, work harder, add more details, and make it more interesting. Because when I write something, and I consider it boring, it becomes boring. So no MATTER what the topic is, everyone should write it as even though they liked it.

Gustavo Navarrete said...

I agree with Tiffany H. because this is the first assignment like of its class I had to do.

gutierrez.c said...

I agree with martin on how this assignment did help us in ways that we could not understand, but I believe that in the end it does help us out.

Gustavo Navarrete said...

I agree with Martin Puente, because writing takes time, and definitely patience. But when you picture it, you will channel it to your readers.

Erika Cruz said...

I agree with Alex Franco, I think that this was not a hard assignment because it was our opinion, something we feel very passionate about.

Daisy Razo said...

When I finished my assignment I didnt really discover anything new I just think that I could do better in my writting. I could learn new ways to develope my ideas in a better way than I do know. Writting is a important thing in life you need it in everything you do so I want to be really good at it.

Daisy Razo said...

I agree with Daisy Gallegos becouse she feels the same way of writting than I do. And i also think ive gotten a little bit better in my writting to.

Lourdes Martinez said...

I think this assignment was a good way to start the school year because it made us realize what our writing style is and in what aspects we need to improve.
When I had finished the diagnostic, I did not find anything new, but when I read it a day later, I realized something I had not tought before. It is not that I am rude, but I might start practicing the Home Court Idea a little more. In writing we have to be very careful because someone might misunderstand something you are trying to say. In the end, courtesy does not take away courage.

Erika Cruz said...

I also agree with Tiffany, the harderst part about writting any essay or research papaer is the introduction.
I think that the introduction is what makes your paper attractive.

Lourdes Martinez said...

Like Nayelli, I often fall into the writer's block. The problem is that once you are in it, it is so hard to escape.
So often, I have to organize and plan, or at least brainstorm, before I start writing the assignment. This way if I get stuck I go back to my notes and recall what my original idea was.

Lourdes Martinez said...

Some people throughout this blog have said they either prefer reading or writng. I believe that you might have a favorite, but in the end they are strongly related. For example, if you like reading, this will help your writing and visaversa.

Winnie-Grace Growe said...

One of the changes that I discovered about my attitude and feelings towards writing was that writing might not be so bad afterall. I used to dread writing because it was very tedious and arduous because everything had to be perfect. The assignment was not difficult because I have seen the movie that I wrote about a lot of times before.

LucellePhan said...

My attitude towards writing did not change. I still feel frustrated whenever I try to write a paper or get lost and confused on how I should form my words. It was very difficult for me to write this assignment because my mind was completely blank. However, I hope that my attitude and writing skill will improve in the future since it is a very important in college and several other things.

Winnie-Grace Growe said...

I agree with Gustavo about writing as if you liked it. If you think that the assignment is boring, then you will write a boring paper. However, if you think that the assignment is exciting, then you will write an exciting paper. Mind over matter.

LucellePhan said...

I agree with what Nayelli had said about knowing what to write, but it didn't flow onto the paper. I couldn't form the words together to make a sentence of what I wanted to say, which makes me very frustrated! Therefore, I just write whatever that was right out of my head, which made a pile of sloppy sentences.

Sandra Zavala said...

When I was done with this assignment i really did not find anything new to my writting. I agree with Adriana because i also want to improve my writting. I like what Nichole said about the outline, because outlines help me too. I really want to make my writting more interesting, because even though I know my writting is not horrible, I also know it can really improve.

Daniel Gutierrez said...

I have a strong believe that for one a writing assignment wouldn’t change your personal thought in your writing working area. It is in the same attitude one initialized to approach the assignment and the same attitude that you complete the assignment. I for once had no difficulty choosing my assignments writing topic , it was all at ease with my chosen movie and the story lines I knew by heart. In the end their was more story lines that I had expected to use in the chronological order similarities that the movie’s plot and the development of writing has taken in society.

Daniel Gutierrez said...

I agree with Victoria a writing assignment has always been a little boring to the majority and difficult as one has no intention to become a writer in life. As one comes to realize whatever the goals may be after their laid out in front of you. You have a different view on your goals and in the process you will want a different form to approach and hopefully accomplish those goals.

leslie.bonilla said...

Writing and me don't get along so well. Look at me its as i am talking about a person. Well the assignment was a good way to start the year off all we had to do was just write about your writing techiques with movies. I think actually choosing the movies was hard but i made it. I learned that i had to think before i wrote something and that i can't just write something down. But I did enjoy doing this assignment because i never done something like this before.

KRiSSy said...

When I was finished with the assignment I found it easier to do since I chose a movie that I really liked. Ideas weren't as hard to think of since the movie helped me express them exactly how I wanted. I didn't find this assignment hard to do. From all the writing assignments I've had, this was the easiest one.

KRiSSy said...

I also agree with Adriana's comment. This year is the best time to make my writing better. I believe it's okay, but I know it can be more than okay.

leslie.bonilla said...

I agree with lourdes because i agree with her that it was a good idea writing this paper for the school year. I think so too that sometimes one has to be careful what they write because someone may misunderstand it but i think so in everyday people should be careful what they said.

KRiSSy said...

I sort of agree with Luis's comment about choosing reading instead of writing. Reading is much more easier to do than writing, but I like both of them. In my opinion, reading takes you into another world. Writing doesn't really do that to me. Either way both are used in the world therefore I have to do good in both.

cano.antuan said...

I learned that I'm the worst writer sometimes because my ideas start flying everywhere and I cant seem to get a hold of them. I tend to overthink simple things, things like sentence structures and punctuation. My mind goes over things too fast and I miss little details. Although, I enjoy writing even though I might make minor mistakes.

cano.antuan said...

I agree with Kristian that the movie you chose actually makes it easier to write your paper. If you can express how you feel about the movie on paper then it pretty much just wrote itself.

cano.antuan said...

I can relate to Lucelle that frustration can get the best of you when your writing. The unecessary stress jumbles up your thought process and brings up unrelated thoughts and ideas.

Carlos Estrada said...

After I completed the draft I realized that my writing style actually got better. While doing the assignment i first thought about how I usually write. Next, i thought about the actual film and how it actually relates to my writing style. Finally i got my ideas in order and I began to write. At first it was difficult to gather my thoughts but after a while of brain storming, doing the actual assignment was simple

Symone' Cooper said...

After I finished my assignment, I didn't really notice anything different in my writing but I did notice that this assignment really wasn't hard for me to accomplish. I like to write and watch movies. So as far as an assignment on movies and writing it went hand and hand for me. The process that I used was to make an outline of what I wanted the paper to say, then I simply put all my thoughts together. I proofread and made sure there was no errors or mistakes then I was all done and ready to turn it in.

Carlos Estrada said...

Si ombe.
Adriana's method of organizing her writing and using a proper format really helped me write other assignments. This is a method that many other students should use as well.

Anahi said...

When doing this assignment I actually learned quite a bit from myself. Before actually thinking about films being used to describe writing, I didn't really pay attention whether or not my papers were exciting or not. After carefully looking into writing itsef I realized that it takes much more than just joting down things and putting them together. I noticed that, now, writing has become more than just that, now it's like telling a story with full detail and it's really cool. All in all, this assignment was pretty easy and we got the chance to express a little bit of ourselves more.

Anahi said...

In a way, I do agree with Adriana said because writing is a great part of life, and well, if we don't take the time to improve on it right now then later on it's going to be difficult.

Anahi said...

I definitly agree with Abi, like her, I love poetry and I have written some myself. I like it alot because, as she mentioned, it lets you express yourself whether it's about something great you are feeling or the worst pains you can think of. For the most part, I agree to her comment, except on that last part about reading, I think I would rather write. =]

Monica :) said...

This writing assignment did not really change my perspective towards writing. I have always been a writer, it is one of my many passions. This homework assingment served as a way for me to figure out what type of writing I prefer to do. I believe writing is enjoyed by everyone, one just has to find the genre that suits them.

Monica :) said...

I agree with Nayelli on the points she made. Like Nayelli, my perspective towards writing did not change and I also fall a victim to writers block. I find that I fall into writers block more than I would like but I use a different approach than her to get rid of it. I find that when I just sit and let my fingers do the typing without any previous planning is the best way to get rid of writers block.

Edgar Espinoza said...

After completing this assignment I really did not discover anything new about my attitude towards writing. I also did not follow a specific process to complete this assignment, honestly because I didn’t have to. Over time I have figured out that as long as you write about something you are familiar with or enjoy you will have no problem writing, so when I chose a movie I could relate my writing to, I just flowed through the paper. This assignment wasn’t difficult at all and was actually pretty helpful.

Edgar Espinoza said...

I agree with Kristian because just like she said it was easier since we all chose a movie that we could relate to our writing. Also, like she said ideas weren’t as hard to think of because the movie helped us express them. Usually I take a bit to think about what I am going to talk about in my body paragraphs but this time it was real easy.

Stephanie Canchola said...

I thought this was a good assignment to start with, so our english teacher can learn a little more about us and about our writing. I actually did discover something new about my attitude towards writing, I verly realized that I like to write about my friendships, I had never really noticed that until now. I think the assignment was not difficult, and the paper helped us really see what we like to write about.

Stephanie Canchola said...

I agree with Luis' opinion of choosing writing over reading, because with writing you can really express youself.

Stephanie Canchola said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lien Quach said...

The process I used to complete the assignment was a simple outline. In my opinion it's definitely easier to have an idea of how to write the paper than to write from the top of your head. I discovered that it is a lot easier to write when you compare your work to a form of art, whereas in this case it was a movie. I chose a character in a movie that I believed my writing closely related too, and it was easy to see and compare between the two.

Guitar_jeff said...

I can’t really say that I discovered something new about my writing, I’ve been writing for a long time as a hobby and I’m well versed in my writing style. Honestly, like most of my school work involving writing I just let it flow and didn’t use an outline or anything of that sort. Typically when I write I just sit down and think about the topic for awhile and create a general idea in my head of what I want to say, then just start to write. I didn’t find this assignment very difficult at all, but I did have trouble getting started, and I feel I didn’t do too swell on it. I also feel it was probably not a very good topic to accurately display my writing.

Guitar_jeff said...

I agree with Edgar Barrera on how this topic was easy to start flowing once you started. If you make the writing interesting by having the person analyze their own writing against some aspect of a movie it makes it fun to write and very easy to make the writing flow smoothly.

Lien Quach said...

I agree with Leslie, me and writing also do not get along sometimes because I am more of a reader than a writer. I also do agree that this was a great way to start off the school year because who would complain writing a paper about a movie one could compare their writing or selves to? Choosing the movies weren't that easy either I would have to admit, it took me a while, a long while, to decide on what to do.

minerva said...

I agree with Maria Jaime about experiences affecting your writing. I think that if we had never experienced anything we would never be able to write a single word, except maybe "huh?"

minerva said...

I agree with Lourdes about the writers block thing, it is really hard to escape, but i find that most of my writer's block comes from not knowing how to put my ideas in words. Like i can't find the right words to express what i think in the right way.

luisfloresiscool said...

My writing diagnostic was based on the comparisons to the movie "Jaws" to my style of writing. My attitude towards writing pretty much stayed the same. I'm a good writer though I don't like to write that much. To cpmplete the assignment I just compared the movie's intense and suspensful to my similar style of writing. It wasn't very difficult because I was able to use a lot of metaphors like "deep" to describe my style of writing.

luisfloresiscool said...

My writing diagnostic was based on the comparisons to the movie "Jaws" to my style of writing. My attitude towards writing pretty much stayed the same. I'm a good writer though I don't like to write that much. To cpmplete the assignment I just compared the movie's intense and suspensful to my similar style of writing. It wasn't very difficult because I was able to use a lot of metaphors like "deep" to describe my style of writing.

Jeff Crain said...

I agree with Adriana about making it a goal to get better at writing. Since we all know each other I will go to my teachers and friend whenever I need help. So if you ever need help I'm here for you Dri.

luisfloresiscool said...

I agree with Monica that this assignment didn't really change my perspective towards my writing. However, unlike her I usualy plan my writing to ensure that it's the best quality possible. Even after I've planned and finished writing I usually go back not just to revise and edit, but to see how I can make it better.

Alma Martinez said...

I didn’t discover anything new when I finished my assingment. I think this was a pretty good assingment, I mean what better way to start off the year than to express your feelings towards writing with a movie. I think choosing a movie to compare with my writing was kind of difficult. Since my attitude towards writing can’t be compared to just one movie I chose several. After I picked the movies the assingment was fairly easy.

MariaMartinez said...

When i was done with the assignment i realized that i had to reaflect on my own personality to know how and why i wrote my es
says the way i did. i kind of already knew how i wrote stuff but thinking and doing this assignment i noticed my themes really well.

Alma Martinez said...

I agree with Leslie that choosing the movie was hard. I also agree with Nicole, outliness are very helpful when writing a paper because they help you map out what you’re going to write and so you don’t get off subject.

Sergio said...

i agree with Luis because i am a big time writing type of person. if i had a choice to write at school all day, i know i would choose to do so

jessica said...

The essay i wrote was a real like eye opener for me. i found out what kind of writer i am and what kind of skills i don't have and that i have to improve them. also, i noticed i always put my all into the introduction but as the paper progresses i lose focus more and more and my paragraphs get shorter with less detail. so I will try to make my writing better. Completing the assignment was not that difficult it just takes a lot of time out of the day, or at least for me it did, either way i know what i have to improve on so yea..ill just do that.

jessica said...

umm i guess im gonna comment about leslies comment. i like what she said and i agree with her at soe points

guillermo said...

When I was doing the reflection I really felt connected to the movie.
the assignment was not to difficult but,it did make me think creatively.
I enjoyed doing this assignment because it gave me a chance to be silly with my writing. Forest Gump and my writing are like twins and if you like the movie then you will like my writing.

guillermo said...

I can see from all these comments that people really enjoyed this assignment,everyone here saw it as a cool way to talk about their writing,while putting a creative twist to it. I think everyone would like to do this again because its a way of showing their unique style and creativeness

Ruben said...

I found some new things about my writing like i want to change the way i write. I discovered that i am capable of writing much better by using real life events. I followed a simple process the thesis body and conclusion. This was not very difficult because i know the way i write and i related my writing to a film.

Ruben said...

I agree with luis netro because this was easy. For one we are use to writing a lot and for two the film helped us to relate to the way we write

cecilia said...

At the begining of the assignment i wasnt really sure how it would help us, but when i started writing everything made since. I learned about my writings just by comparing myself to dorthy from the wizard of oz. It was all understand able by the end.

sofia said...

I thought the assignment was pretty easy, but that might have been because I love to write. My attitude towards writing was the same as before, but I discovered that I should show it more to get feedback from my peers. I think I will work on that this year and hopefully I can become a better writer.

sofia said...

I agree with Monica's response. My attitude for writing did not really change because I have always loved to write. She also has a point that everyone does like to write, but they have to be writing something they enjoy. If they write something they do not know about or don't want to write about, then the whole assignment is pointless because they won't try their best at it.

areli2010 said...

i first when i was writing the assignment i was easy but then i got hard because i didn't now wha else to write about but then i got the hang of it. so at the end when i was finish i was satisfied with my writing. because it was just what i wanted it to be.

areli2010 said...

i agree with guillermo, because everyone was having fu n doing this assignment and did a good job in their writing.

joeperez said...

After finishing my assignment I actually did discover something new about my attitude towards writing. I try my best to relate my writing to what is happens in life rather than in fairy tale stories. At first I didn't recognize it, but then I did because not all endings in life are happily ever after. The assignment itself wasn't that hard to say the truth, but I did like the assignment.

joeperez said...

I agree with guillermo because I also did connect with the movie I chose. It was also a way for me to think outside the box rather than in it. I also chose Forest Gump as the movie that most of my writing relates to because of all the elements in just that one movie.

Anonymous said...

It was really interesting how we compared our writhing ability to a movie. It didn't take me much time to come up with ideas for my paper, but i did have some difficulty's putting my ideas on ink. In my respective that form of writhing opens up your mind to think out side the box.

Anonymous said...

I agreed on what Cristale said about how be a "great opportunity for other classmates to figure out what their attitudes really are based on writing." because it opens up your thought on what kind of writer you rally are, and how you feel about the way you write.